About the Congress

Since the Aras river and its basin are the development areas of many ancient religions, it is important for the history of religions. Because of this feature, the sanctity of the Aras river has long been described and it has been believed that its water is a panacea. The first Islamic conquests in the Aras Basin were Hz. It started in the Omar period and continued during the Umayyads and Abbasids. Subsequently, this basin was dominated by local principalities such as Samanids, Sacoğulları, and Mervanids. The Pasinler War, the first great victory against the Byzantines, took place in this basin. When Alparslan conquered the City of Ani in 1064, the Aras Basin started to come under the rule of the Seljuks. After this date, many principalities and states such as Şeddadiler, Saltukoğulları, Akkoyunlu, Karakoyunlu, Harezmşahlar were dominant in the region. However, the region remained under the rule of Mongols for a short period in the 13th century. During the periods when the Mongols weakened and the Ottoman state began to gain strength, the region witnessed the struggles of the Akkoyunlu and Karakoyunlu people. It can be said that the fate of this geography has changed with the establishment of the Safavid State. As a matter of fact, when it came to the Ottoman period, the Aras Basin continued to maintain its strategic importance, as in every process of history. The region, which is the gateway of Anatolia to the Caucasus and Northern Iran geography, was the scene of Ottoman-Iranian and Ottoman-Russian domination struggles in this period. The Aras Basin, one of the geographies where the First World War took place heavily, was also the scene of the 1914 Sarıkamış Operation, one of the most dramatic wars in Turkish-Islamic history. In this context, the aim of the congress is to reveal the scholars and historical figures in this region.